Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Rewarding Outing!

Yesterday, my husband brought me out for a lovely lunch in Johor Bahru and after that while running our errands, we stopped by a couple of bookstores to browse around.  I had wanted to get the Martha Stewart cupcakes book for a while but never had the time to go downtown to look for it and I found it in the bookstore!  I also bought another 2 books because I absolutely loved the photos! I'm in love with cupcakes!!

I made Mint Chocolate Chip cupcakes this morning for breakfast.  It was really yummy!  I omitted the mint frosting to cut down on my caloric intake...  My husband is going to teach a counselling supervision class this morning so I packed a box of cupcakes for the students.

What shall I bake tomorrow?  Stayed tuned...